Friday, November 16, 2007

My First

Well I bet you are all excited that I am beginning my first blog. If you don't know me than you know that that was pure sarcasm. Anywho so lets see. I've been hopelessly busy completely my last semester of school. I'm seriously counting down the days 'till this craziness is OVER.

So yeah, what am i going to do after that? That seems to be everyones fav question but I actually have an answer. I'll be moving back to my hometown for 6 months before traveling overseas. I know this sounds great...right? Well I guess but I'm a little hesitant to be moving back in with the ol' parentals. I mean I've been living on my own since I was 18. It's def gonna be an adjustment.

I'm really bummed that I have to leave my pad too. Its so cute and I LOVE living on my own. The freedom is awesome and what can I say I like hangin with myself..I'm kinda cool. Ok see right there that was funny...Hopefully you're laughing because I crack myself up and am a a slight dork.

What exactly is a dork? Hmmm... let we Wiki it. Alright Wiki says that a dork is "Dork is a term of abuse favored by American youngsters, designating the target as quirky, awkward, eccentric, socially inept or simply of lower status". I kinda think that Wiki needs to update that answer. i consider a dork someone who isn't afraid to be fun, funny/good sense of humor, goofy and lighthearted. What do you guys think?

Also if you are graduating and feeling a little weird about it let me know! I don't WANNA be alone:)

Have a great day!

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