I leave for Hamburg tomorrow? It still feels weird saying it. Now is time to make a tribute to my 3 wonderful Luxembourg Families by jotting down my most fond memories-the process has been hard but is has to be done! Lets begin with my first fam, Family Meyer. I learned a lot at this wonderful home! I learned a lot about wine-thanks to Claude,

I learned what it was like to be a teenager again-nd let me tell ya I loved it! My all time favorite quote is from Claudine my host mom everytime she saw something she liked she would turn to me and say, "I find it lucky" I think I will be incorporating this phrase in my new daily lingo-maybe I can make it my signature phrase?:P I want to thank this family so much for welcoming me into their home for nearly a month in a half. They never hesitated to make me apoart of the family-once I arrived I was in! I had a very "Lucky" time with them! They are already planning on coming to my wedding(I told them they will have to wait a long, LONG time) and their two daughters are visiting me this summer! I met their entire family and there is not enough to rom to express how much I LOVE this family-the WHOLE family! Thank you so much! My next is Family Albers! Here I found my love for goat cheese-and found out that 6+ people CAN share one shower. Here is where I learned my Luxembourgish. Lets take a brief break to share the luxembourgish language. Moien(Hello), Eddi or Addi(Goodbye),

Vee gayt ut(How is it going or What up?), Ein Smear(a piece of bread), Nooshed(Goodnight), Nooshed Essen (Dinner), Mittash Essen (Lunch), Coffee Drinkin(Breakfast), Von Glief(Please), Merci(Thank you), Veel Maks Merci(Thank you very much), Glief(What did you say/Pardon),Gare ge chit(Your Welcome), Dah(No really), sheen(beautiful),kaze(cheese), geese(goat), shoon tag(nice day),swayer(heavy), TheĆ (Tea), Puley(Chicken)-thats all for now. The great thing about Luxembourgish is that its not a written language so you can write it how u think it should be spelled-so this means I spelled everything corretly;)Getting back to the Albers-I really saw a great family when I stayed here. I was amazed how nice everyone was to me and to each other. They all got along so well and seemed like the "perfect family". Thank u Family Albers for everything and for showing me your awesome farm! My last and current family is Family Santer`s. I have been here two weeks and it feels like they are long lost family members. There was no time to hold back in this family and I felt most like myself here! They have been amazing and again just like the previous families I have really become apart of the family-its been amazing! I feel like Ive know them forever! Its been wonderful swapping recipes with veteran IFYE Annick(she went to California as in IFYE 20 yrs ago) and talking about her IFYE memories! Thank you for making this a very special two weeks-Oh and they took my to Paris-How can you not love someone who takes u there;)
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