Ok peeps!!! Who can define a cow dingleberry or dingleberries?? Wel let me have the honr of thoroughly explaining how I came into contact with a cow dingleberry. It all happened on a quiet day, in a quiet town when a girl was asked if she wanted to help with the cows. The girl excitedly agreed to help and went and put on some overalls and boots and walked out to the stable. She loooked in the stable to find about 30 dairy cows all lined up-butts out. The girl was given a razor and was told that she must shave the cows tails as part of a "hygenic" process. "But dont cows kick?" the girl asked. "Oh yeah...you gotta be careful of that" they snickered. No, but really guys I went with my host sister, Wendy and she taught me how to shave a cow´s tail because when they pooh the crap gets all over the tail so somebody has to clean it up. I was a little freaked out of the kicking part but you just have to be quick and careful. After that we fed some cows in another stable, the baby calves and the two male goats. When we were feeding the baby calves Wendy told me that one calf, calf #6, had not eaten all day so we were going to have to help show her where she could get milk. Wendy pointed her in the direction of the formula and I got on the other side and let the calf suck on my two fingers until she finally saw the formula to suck on. It was quite an awesole experience to see a calf so hungry and two show it milk! I wont forget it!
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