Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tchau! Tchüss!

WOW!! I can't believe that my time here in Deutchland is coming to an end. I feel like I've learned so much and met so many wonderful people. I am very sad that Iäll be leaving but also looking forward to see my mom, dad and sister!! Special things I have will always rememeber:
Helping Wolfgang put on the crayon labels. Laughing with Emily about just about everything. Shützenfest. Making scrambled eggs at 4 in the morning for the people in Büren. Making pie with Maria. Playing cards with Monika. Delivering eggs with Hubert to the Bioladen. Fetching eggs. Herding pigs with Stephan and Peter. Working with Sabina in the Sal Barn. Sightseeing with Kathrin. Jumping on the trampoline with Leo and Julia. Going to the Schloss with Nancy. Visiting Aunt Dorla and Uncle Christophe in Manheim with Laura. Going to Brussels, Luxembourg and Nancy. Driving a Russian tractor. Breaking the tractor. Laughing with Cord and Annetta("I can only use the words I know", "Shut up the doors"). Walking Gesa to school. Watching Jussi take care of her rabbits.
I know there are so many memories that I have with each family but these are the ones that I can think of in this moment. I cannot express how wonderful each of the famililes have been and will always look back on this adventure and think fondly of them all. Ich lieben Deutchland und meine Gaste Families!!

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